Matter can be infused with intelligence

Akhil Kodali
5 min readFeb 23, 2024

Ganga, Artificial Intelligence and Prana Prathista

This is the answer to the questions asked by some after watching video above in the tweet.

In Hindu Science, matter can be infused with intelligence, unlike Western Science, which considers all matter dead.

For e.g., in Hindu Temples, the matter is infused with Consciousness to give birth to ArchAvatara (Devi or Devata or deity) via the process of PranaPrathista. This matter or murthy after PranaPrathista becomes Devi or Devata, has independent intelligence and responds to the requests of Bhaktas (devotees). The devata (deity) becomes the owner of the space in perpetuity and Bhaktas its trustees. Bhaktas don’t workshop the divine through the murthy but worship the divine that landed on the murthy.

We have seen the PranaPrathista of RamLalla (Bhagwan Sri Rama in the form of a boy). RamaLalla of Ayodhya went to the court and fought the legal battle for His ownership. RamaLalla was the party in the matter. The courts accepted this logic of Hindu Science that RamLalla is the owner of the space, and it was one of the factors for ruling in favor of RamLalla.

In the UK, the House of Lords accepted the Hindu logic from Hindu Science; once the PranaPrathista of the murthy is performed, Devi or Devata becomes the sole owner of the murthy in perpetuity. Using this logic, the UK returned the murthy stolen from the Hindu Temple.

In the 1600s, Bhakta Ramadasa used the exchequer’s money to build the Badrachalam Rama Temple in Telangana. Bhakta Ramadasa was imprisoned in the jail at Golkonda Fort in Hyderabad. Bhagwan Sri Rama along with Sri Lakshmana paid the money to the Muslim ruler and presented the receipt to release Bhakta Ramadasa. Both the Ram Temple in Badrachalam and the prison cell of Bhakta Ramadasa in Golkonda Fort can be visited and seen even today.

Sinu Joseph, a born Catholic Christian who reverted to her indigenous Hindu Tradition after she experienced the effects of PranaPrathista done in the Temples on menstrual cycles herself and recorded the experience of others. She is now unapologetically without feeling shame or defensive is spreading awareness about these experiences provided by indigenous Hindu Shastras and Temples in the area of women’s health and hygiene.

Hinduism is both faith and science. Hinduism has mastered the science of infusing intelligence into matter. Hindu Shastras classify matter based on the type of the intelligence that can be infused into them.

Everyone can become a scientist. But only sincere people who put in the necessary Tapas in the scientific method become one.
A seeker of the Truth must do Tapas — cross dangerous rivers, mountains, and predatory animal-infested forests to find a Guru.

Human beings can transcend to become Brahman (the ultimate), or Brahman, can descend (Avatarana) into Human form (NijaAvatara).
Swamiji is no ordinary Human; an incarnation, a NijaAvatara — the ultimate taking Human form.

Only sincere seekers, whether born Hindu or not, can experience the Higher Science of Hinduism.
Beings from the West like Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, and Sivaya Subramuniyaswami of Kauai Hindu Monastery, who have had deep spiritual experiences, talk about the same Hindu Science.

Swamiji, the NijAvatara, is here to level up sincere seekers. To understand him, one has to do Tapas. Anyone can follow Swamiji and make their life better. But to understand Him one has to do Tapas. HE will throw challenges at seekers, onlookers or ordinary people to level them up. It ain’t easy to be a disciple of a NijaAvatara without Tapas and Tyaaga. Swamiji is not concerned about what people think of Him as He is here to transmit the experience to transform you and I — those looking to experience higher levels of consciousness. He is here to raise people to experience happiness, peace of mind, harmony, fulfillment, health, wealth, and success.

Why did Hinduism across all sampradayas mandate respecting Guru as basic Dharma for Hindus?
If we look at the lives of even great Avatars like Bhagwan Rama and Bhagwan Krishna, respecting all Gurus is non-negotiable for them, even if they disagreed with them. Bhagwan Krishna disagreed with Drona, but He respected and revered him.
Chanakya stated, knowledge acquired without a Guru is poison. Even today’s contemporary Tantra Sadhakas (practioners) have stated, if you abuse a Guru, no sadhana will give a result as it disconnects the sadhaka from the spiritual plane.

It is ridiculous and pathetic that Hindus have been brainwashed into hating Hindu Gurus who can not only solve all problems in the material plane — happiness, peace of mind, harmony, fulfillment, health, wealth, political success, and success in life but also transmit Anubhuti (spiritual experience/individual experience/subjective experience).

Until now, only a few could experience the Siddhanta (theory) described in Hindu Shastras. Swamiji has already transmitted shastric siddhanta as anubhava through Deekshas (initiations) to millions of seekers globally. Swamiji, the NijAvatara, is here on a mission to transmit the experience in Hindu Shastras to all sincere and honest seekers.

From Jeeva Nadi* of Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. Read more in the USK coffee table book.

A sincere seeker can experience the Siddhanta of shastra as Anubhaba. Sincerity and honesty - the only qualification required.

  • Jeeva Nadi — Nadi reading is an ancient palm leaf reading where the thumb impression of the person seeking his past, present or future leads to picking of a palm leaf from an already available set of palm leaves written by the ancient sages like Agastya. The picked palm leaf is read out to the person. Jeeva Nadi is a special palm leaf reading that does not require the thumb impression of the person seeking the nadi and the text appears spontaneously in response to a person’s query

If you have come this far and survived then you are definitely looking for the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) to get the anubhava of higher realms.

